Value Added Technical Services
Especially Services
At Effectium, we understand that there are A LOT of products on the market. We also understand that there are even more providers for those products. Fortunately, the level of technology at present enables us to expand our geographical reach. Consequently, we are able to provide one-on-one services wherever you may be, whenever you may need us. Our organizational structure also allows for more efficient communication. As a result, troubleshooting is handled more effectively and efficiently with some larger companies.
In conclusion, whether it is an on-site evaluation/installation, or a simple phone or Skype consultation, we pride ourselves in hands-on customer service and consulting. Even if you just have a general technical question. Our organizational flexibility allows us to be available whenever you need us. In addition, our network is large enough that if we can’t assist you, we know someone who can. Give us a call to see how our superior level of service can benefit your business. (440) 490-5183.