KnowledgeSync Business Activity Monitoring
What is KnowledgeSync?
Initially released in 1999, KnowledgeSync (KS) is the leading Business Activity Monitoring solution. It has been implemented in over 8,000 organizations worldwide. Designed as an Enterprise-class solution, KS provides an organization with a single solution. Therefore, you can monitor and respond to important business conditions within all front- and back-office software solutions.
KS is a server-based application with an advanced client/server architecture. Due to this fact, KS uses a Microsoft SQL Server database and a “multi-threaded” application design to optimize system processing. This also provides you with a scalable solution that can grow along with your business.
KnowledgeSync possesses an intuitive, wizard-driven “Event Design” module. Due to this module, KS gives users the ability to configure their own events without requiring programming expertise. At the same time, KS includes an advanced tool set that business partners and more technical users can employ to easily configure sophisticated workflow processes.
If you are interested in learning more about KnowledgeSync, and have 20 minutes to spare, follow this link for the video overview of the product: We would also be more than happy to explain the benefits of KnowledgeSync, so feel free to give us a call at (440) 490-5183.