August Support Call of the Month
August Support Call of the Month – Desktop Integration and Outlook Sync by lconnoll on 08-27-2014 03:51 PM Outlook Sync is installed as a part of Desktop Integration, but because it requires SDATA configuration, it is often considered a separate component. Desktop Integration Components – Export to Excel – Write menu for creating and modifying Templates – Mail-Merge […]
XBar Release
The XBar sidebar for Outlook has been released! Clients are lining up to get this Saleslogix/Outlook add-in that simplifies your interaction with basic Saleslogix input. See the article below for in-depth information. Call us at (440) 479-1300 to see how you can get a hold of XBar. Saleslogix Xbar Product Bulletin – June, 2014 […]
Beta Programs
Effectium is super-excited to have been invited to be part of the beta program for the new Saleslogix X-Bar and the new version of Advanced Analytics, compatible with TIBCO Spotfire 5.0! More details to come as we test these programs out and see how they can be beneficial for your business.
Transitioning in Progress
First of all, we would like to thank you all for your patience. We are currently active in the process of adding content to the site in order to better enlighten our audience as to what Effectium is about, and how we can benefit your business. As we progress, if you have any questions for […]
Effectium website is about to transition.
Please be patient with us, while we transfer our website.
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