Infor CRM XBar for Outlook, the Embodiment of CRM Integration

Discover the power of X:  Infor CRM Xbar for Outlook—It’s CRM your way

Think inside your inbox.

So what are the benefits of XBar?  Well, here’s a short list.  You can…

  • Embed Infor® CRM™ inside Microsoft® Outlook® for a cohesive solution, not only that…
  • Turn unstructured email information into defined tasks, opportunities, leads, accounts, social
    media conversations, and more.
  • Drag and drop email signatures from Outlook to quickly create new contacts, leads, tickets,
    and more in Infor CRM without leaving Outlook…
  • Lead, contact, account, and history information from Infor CRM is accessible directly within
    Outlook to improve your email communications.
  • Click emails or activities in Outlook and the Xbar will display related CRM data, including
    phone numbers, email address, web pages, as well any “associations” in the CRM database.
  • Convenient new icons that alert you to pending work, past due activities, open opportunities,
    open tickets, and more

Infor CRM’s XBar for Microsoft Outlook changes the way you are used to interacting with your CRM.  Now, there is no duplication of effort in creating or managing contacts.  As a result, the amount of time it takes you to manage your contacts and contact-related activity will be significantly less than what you are used to.  Most noteworthy is the ease with which you can perform these tasks.  Give us a call to see how this free add-in can boost your efficiency within your Infor CRM.

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