Infor CRM Troubleshooting: Saleslogix Job Service

Posted by on Feb 8, 2017 in CRM Software, Troubleshooting

What is it?

When Saleslogix released their 8.1 version of the CRM software, the Saleslogix Job Service was introduced.  Saleslogix felt that jobs would be better handled through a stand-alone service.  While this adds another component to the product, troubleshooting can now be narrowed down to this one component.

Why is it acting up? (Basic Troubleshooting)

While the installation of the Saleslogix Job Service is a typically straightforward process, there are some configurations to be considered.   These configuration items can be easily overlooked.  In addition to the Knowledge Base article that Infor  has published on troubleshooting the Job Service, we thought it prudent to give you some additional pointers.

So how do I fix it?

Okay, I am going to assume that you’ve been through the Knowledge Base article linked above.  This list isn’t long, but we definitely would have derived a lot of benefit from it:

      1. In your Control Panel, under “Administrative Tools”, go to “Services” and make sure the Saleslogix Job Service is set to “Log On As” your Saleslogix Service User (i.e. SLXService).
      2. Make sure the Shared Paths are properly configured within your Office’s Sync Options.  In order to access this window, go to your Administrator>Systems>Offices.  Double-click on your office, then click on the “Sync Options” tab:
      3. If you had to reconfigure your folders and restart the job service, but the service is still not working, make sure that your folder is “Shared” to “Everyone”.  In order to “Share,” right-click on the folder go to “Properties.”  Click on the “Sharing” tab…

and select “Share…”

Select “Everyone,” then click on “Share.”  Acknowledge through the process and save your changes.  Restart the Job Service and try again.

Note:  If you do not have synchronization on your server, then this configuration will have to be conducted within the BRANCHOPTIONS table in SQL.

As always, if you would like further clarification on any of these steps, or would like information on Infor CRM, please give us a call!



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